

I arrange to see patients after a referral letter from your General Practitioner.  I see patients at the sites below. To see location of the sites, please click on the markers on the map (on the right).


I will start by asking you questions about the symptoms that are bothering you and then I will ask about the rest of your medical history.  I will need to examine you, and for your security, it is my practice to ask for a chaperone to be present for your examination.  A number of the problems I deal with involve the bowel, and a complete examination will include an internal examination of your back passage.  You do not need any bowel preparation for this, and it will only take a few moments.  
A new patient consultation will normally take 15 minutes.  I will often need to do further tests, and I will describe those to you, so that you know what to expect.
It is my practice to give you the results of these tests directly by letter, a copy of which will go to your GP, so that they are kept informed.  Sometimes, you may require telephone follow up by myself or an experienced Nurse Practitioner.